Imagine a world where communities thrive on shared visions, where every voice is heard, and where decisions are made with empathy and understanding.

The fundamental basis of Co-existence

Dragon Dreaming

Dragon Dreaming ignites the creative fire within us, weaving our dreams together into a vibrant tapestry of collective vision.

Dynamic Governance

Through conscious governance, we unleash the true potential of our community, unlocking infinite possibilities.

NVC: Communication

Non-violent Communication opens the doors to authentic connection, where understanding and compassion flow freely.


Knowing how the mind works and all its processes is essential to understand it. Without understanding there is no growth possible.

In the dance of harmonious communities, each step is guided by love, empathy, and a shared commitment to uplift all. -Zohar.


What Co-Existence means?

An innovative approach that focuses on unifying diverse ideas and dreams into a harmonious collective vision. By combining the wisdom and creativity of every community member, we create a tapestry of dreams that becomes the foundation of a shared reality. Together, we build a future that not only meets the needs of each individual but also uplifts the entire community in a balanced and holistic way.

Mystical Services

  • Peacemaker-facilitator-Portugal

    Peacemaker & Equalizer

    IPeace arises naturally when there is understanding and empathy. Through organizational methodologies and group dynamics, we will work on connecting with ourselves and others and create spaces for people to communicate truly, sincerely and kindly.

  • Sacred experiences

    Sacred medicine ceremonies for groups and communities with the intention of aligning mind, heart, and spirit in a mystical and celebratory environment. Leaving masks and armor behind, we find ourselves in our innocent nakedness of soul.

  • Heart Conciliator

    Applying non-violent communication (NVC), mindfulness helps to create bridges between the members of the communities and to provide an understanding of everybody’s needs in order to create a harmonious and expansive life experience.

Embrace the power of conscious community-building.
Let me join you on this extraordinary adventure.