Online Meditation Circle

Transcend your mind and connect with your soul

Weekly dynamic meditation experience

What is right meditation?

Meditation is fire it burns your thoughts, your desires, your memories; it burns the past and the future. It burns your mind and the ego. It takes away all that you think that you are. It is a death and a rebirth. You are born anew. You lose your own identity totally, and you attain to a new vision of life.
Then you can know what and who you really are. Right now the you in which you are identified with it is just an idea that come from your mind, a shadow of your true nature.

A spiritual experience to connect and dance with the divine within and without of you.

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    If you learn to observe the mind as a witness, you will be able to find out where the lock is, meditation will be your key.

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    Connect with the light of your consciousness to dispel the shadows, the smoke that prevents you from expressing the truth in yourself.

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    By denying the false idea that your mind creates, you will discover the gifts that existence placed in you. Leave the past behind and live a new life in the present.

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    Delight in living your true nature, letting your real self express and expand. It has always been waiting for you. The presence that knows no death.

Discover the path of Liberation

Meditation is the art to answer all questions because when you go beyond the mind all questions disappear. Then you see with clarity and clarity is transformation. 

Nobody has ever taught you to live now, your parents, professors, the crowd, everybody are living for tomorrow, pursuing dreams, sleeping…

Your are in deep sleep, the name of that sleep is Ego.
Live totally and the fear of death will disappear, then you will be able to die totally too, embracing death with joy. 

The benefits of Dynamic Meditation

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    New Vision

    A new vision of yourself will emerge as your mind's idea of itself dissolves. It will appear without thinking, because it was always there...

  • Release emotions


    No one has allowed you to be yourself, the conditioning that society has put on you has blocked you. Love and know yourself.

  • Expand Awareness

    Peace & Serenity

    Allowing your true nature to emerge will bring you great serenity, dissolving anxieties and worries that prevent you from letting peace emerge.

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    True freedom

    When the mind stops controlling your life, then the heart will be your center and love will be the way to share, flourish and fly.

Beloved Osho’s Legacy

My father and mother gave me my first birth, affection, a body and, a physical home.
Osho’s love for truth and his work dedicated on giving humanity guidance to live in love and inner peace, helped me to be reborn, and to transmute my inner and consequently outer world.

My work and dedication in this life are to adapt the message and methods of Osho and other enlightened masters of the past into today's reality so that you can remember who you really are and flourish in this life.

Every Friday from 10:00-12:00 am GMT.

A spiritual experience to learn the way to be your truly self

Meet the meditator

The Mystic

One day, suddenly, a great explosion of energy occurred and the realization came... dissolving the defined idea of the Ego to let emerge the indefinable presence full of life that always was being inside, an ecstatic sharing, a great celebration.

I now dedicate my life to guiding others to find their inner truth so that together we can create a better world, in the now.