Psilocybin Hypnosis:

Unleashing the hidden power of the unconscious mind

Unleash the power of your unconscious mind to transcend ego barriers and blocks to achieve a full and expansive life.

Unleash and master the elements in you

The unconscious mind, unlike its conscious counterpart, operates without the filtration and selective processing that characterize waking awareness. It serves as the repository for the imprints of our past lives, storing the echoes of experiences and lessons that have shaped the very fabric of our existence. Here, within the unexplored recesses of the unconscious, lie dormant incredible forces awaiting illumination and recognition.


Psilocybin hypnosis ignites the dormant fires of willpower, empowering individuals to navigate challenges with newfound determination and resilience.

Fire (The Essence): Willpower


Air (The Mind): Intellect

Sharpen your intellect and gain clarity of thought. This stage focuses on meditation, insight, and wisdom.

Water (The Heart): Emotions

Unlock a vast reservoir of understanding, healing, and emotional intelligence for a more balanced and harmonious existence.

Earth (The Body): Grounding

Psilocybin hypnosis grounds the body, fostering a profound connection to the Earth, promoting physical well-being, and unlocking the body's innate capacity for healing and vitality.

Why psilocybin Hypnosis?

A transformative journey with our unique fusion of psilocybin and hypnosis, unlocking the hidden dimensions of your mind. This powerful combination amplifies the impact of hypnosis, allowing you to delve deeper into your unconscious and uncover profound insights. Experience holistic healing on multiple levels, from emotional release to physical well-being, fostering a comprehensive transformation

Location: Porto (Portugal).
Contribution: 480€

6 Sessions of 90 minutes each.